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(737) 304-6656

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+41 (0)58 255 06 70

Or Tell us About Your Case

    Understanding the IRS Voluntary Disclosure Program and Streamlined Filing Procedures

    Are you concerned about potential offshore tax noncompliance? The IRS offers a variety of programs, including the Voluntary Disclosure Program (VDP) and Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures, to help taxpayers comply with their tax obligations. Our experienced team can help you navigate these options and determine the best course of action for your specific situation. Learn more about VDP, Streamlined Foreign and Domestic Offshore Procedures, Delinquent International Return Submission Procedures, Reasonable Cause for Offshore Penalties, and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR).

    THEVOZ & Partners specializes in Tax Law

    This area of law is particularly complex and requires a high level of training. For this reason, our attorneys train continuously and hold a great amount of experience in the field of tax law. THEVOZ & Partners is a tax law firm with offices in Austin and Lausanne specializing in the provision of tax and legal services to individuals and companies in the United States and Europe.

    We help clients navigate a litany of domestic and international tax issues ranging from compliance to planning and even litigation. We understand that each client has unique needs and goals, and we pride ourselves on taking a personalized approach to tailor our services to meet those needs.

    THEVOZ & Partners is an international law firm committed to providing our clients with tailored and competent services.

    THEVOZ & Partners is a highly respected boutique law firm with locations in the United States and Switzerland. Our attorneys have a wealth of experience in various legal fields, with a focus on tax, corporate and commercial law. We are here to help you navigate any legal issues, whether you are a business owner seeking advice or an individual needing representation. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized, attentive service to all our clients. Trust us to be by your side as you navigate the legal landscape.